Hotel AadanKosio strives to provide its guests with a comfortable and safe guest experience.
To ensure the common comfort and safety of all persons staying at Hotel AadaKosio, all persons staying at Hotel AadaKosio are responsible for complying with these rules of conduct.
Failure to comply with the rules may result in immediate removal from the hotel and liability for damages.
Guests must observe good manners and behave properly on the hotel premises. The guest’s behaviour must not disturb other hotel guests or those living in the vicinity of the hotel, for example by making noise, damaging property or otherwise causing a nuisance.
The guest is also responsible for the actions of any other persons he/she may admit to the hotel.
Property in hotel rooms and public areas (such as furniture, linen and other equipment such as fire alarms, showers, TVs and other hotel equipment) must not be damaged.
No furniture or hotel-owned property in hotel rooms may be taken out of the room.
It is prohibited to bring drugs and/or other illegal substances, dangerous objects or substances that may cause harm to others onto the hotel premises. Any breach of this rule will result in the removal of the guest from the hotel and a ban on future visits.
Every guest has the right to peaceful accommodation. In particular, after 22:00, guests must avoid loud talking, music or other noise that may disturb other guests.
Hotel AadanKosio is a non-smoking hotel. Smoking and lighting open flames (including burning candles, incense and the like) in the rooms and other areas of the hotel is strictly prohibited and may cause an automatic fire alarm. Any person found in breach of this prohibition will be liable for all resulting alarm, maintenance and cleaning costs.
No unauthorised persons or third parties are allowed on the hotel premises. The exterior doors of the hotel and the doors of the hotel rooms must be kept locked to prevent unauthorised persons from entering the hotel premises. The guest must always ensure that the external door of the hotel is locked after passing through the door.
The key codes given to the guest must be kept carefully and under no circumstances may they be given to anyone other than the persons declared to be staying in the room.
In the interests of public safety and the protection of guests’ property, guests are not allowed to store any items in the hotel’s public areas.
To maintain order and ensure the safety of guests, there is a video camera in the hotel’s public areas for access control.
If necessary, the guest can contact e.g. The police (112).
The accommodation facilities at Hotel AadanKosio are for personal use only.